Noosphere Congress made in Bogota had their owns sinchronicities and they begin to manifest from organization. First was to get a place to do it and then a kin who lovely donated her work making a gathering`s poster.

To honor “Earth as a Work of art” our opening ceremony included Andina dances from here and some of neighboring countries. It was a very ancestral and colorful show. Also we had a one-man play called (in English would be something like “Sacred Cicle of Water”) “Sacrociclo: El ciclo sagrado del agua”.

For the duration of the Congress were talks in which the most prominent is that of quantum physics, where from the string theory we learned a little about our universe and how it connects. We also saw the video of our Chilean brothers “Jose Arguelles in Chile” where he speaks of the biosphere-noosphere transition and a film entitled "The Paceful Warrior”.

The tables, a central part of the event, was a very interesting discussion and became a single general table. They discussed topics on the noosphere, what it is and how it applies to our lives. The main topic of the presentations was the urgent need to work together to ensure the dissemination of the law of time to the necessary properly promote the noosphere qualified available.

Some of the commitments that were purchased were:

-Create a database updated by a census to establish strengths and areas of work of each and work together.
-It was proposed to create a space on the Internet to contact kins to strengthen ties of communication and collaboration. It is a blog that can be accessed via the following address:
-The idea of creating a space that serves as an outreach tool and as a media at the same time.
-The participating group pledged to Chrystal Courts and activate the open space where we were to establish a permanent study group.

We will continue telling how the work soon.

With Love and In lak‘ech
White Solar Wind