Bioregional Noosphere Congress and
22 July, Ceremony for the Noosphere Guidelines

Note: Whether you doing a Congress – of however many days duration – or just a one day event and ceremony, it will be helpful to read all of these guidelines and then select and follow or adopt according to your event.

All bioregional Noosphere Congresses represent gatherings on behalf of the noosphere with programs centered on discussions and presentation of the basic principles of the noosphere, including the biosphere-noosphere transition, the regeneration of the Earth and the launching of the Alliance for the Noosphere. Thematic program ideas can be taken from the original list of Round Tables, or from other topics elsewhere on this website. The form can be whatever is appropriate to the allotted time of the event, the particular sensibility of the group, and the actual physical circumstances.

To facilitate the gatherings, there are certain guidelines both for discussion and for ceremonial aspects that could be helpful for the success of the events. These include:

1. Basic principles of the Noosphere: Questions being raised for discussion could include:  What is the Noosphere? Consider for discussion and contemplation: Can you visualize the spheres of the Earth, from the magnetic core, to the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, the biosphere, and the magnetosphere?  The noosphere then is the sphere of thought congruent with the biosphere but extending well into the magnetosphere and the Earth’s radiation belts. We might contemplate that we are also a spherical organism within the biosphere, dispersed equally about the Earth, all accessing the noosphere. This is the reality of our life on this Earth. What implications does this have for our present world-view?

 2. As the mind of the Earth how can we realize the noosphere within ourselves and together? It is recommended that every group should have a globe or an Earth ball at the center of their circle, or as the focal point on the stage, if that is the case. Then, sitting in a circle holding hands, everyone can meditate on the fact that this is One Earth, and therefore everything on it is unitary, and that we are one planetary organism dispersed across the biosphere. Holding this thought in our heart, consider and discuss the meaning of this.

3. Now it is time to realize our One Mind. If everyone holds the image of the Earth, receiving that image in the crown center (mind) and passing it down to our heart center, then realize: Everybody has the same mind on this same Earth. We might then recite or chant: “ I am one with the Earth, the Earth and myself are one mind, we are the rainbow hoop of nations … “ This is important to begin to experience noosphere. Think of everywhere on Earth groups gathering to participate in this same meditation … in our heart we unite with all of these groups … consider and discuss the implications of this realization…

4. Equally, people should inquire:  What is the biosphere-noosphere transition? We should consider that the multiple crises that are occurring at this time from global warming, to the economic melt down to social chaos and the climate of war and terrorism - all are manifestations of the same phenomenon – the biosphere is in a state of complete transformation.  We may further consider for discussion and contemplation, that this process of transformation will continue to accelerate until we reach the climactic point of 2012 … We must understand that we cannot remain complacent in the light of this and should inform and educate ourselves of what is going on and begin to make our own personal preparations allied with like-minded people within our own bioregions. The should be utilized as a resource as much as possible as well as exploring the other links that are displayed …

5. Basic points or actions to consider are:

a) Keeping a clear mind – (practice natural mind zen, dzogchen or raj yoga  style mediation); 

b) Meaning and implications of changing dietary habits to vegetarian, and the planning or creating of community gardens;

c) Changing the frequency from mechanistic time (12:60) to natural time (13:20) via the 13 moon 28 day calendar (synchronometer);

d) Download the Noosphere Constitution and use that as a basis of study for the transition;

e) Get a copy of EC2012 Earth Council and study and discuss it.

f) Soon to be available will be Ervin Laszlo’s WorldShift 2012, which can also be used as a guide book …

g) Organize group practice of One Earth, one mind” meditations and visualizations … practice envisioning a New Earth after 2012 – what would the new world be like?

h) Consider what is the relation of telepathy to the One Mind. How can we further activate our inherent telepathic powers to realize the One Mind of the earth?

6. Finally at a larger level we might find ways to create and participate in the Alliance for the Noosphere - the consolidation of groups working toward the goal of a collective unification and transformation of humanity …The Noosphere Collective page of the Forum web site will be compiling links and gathering Partners, groups and organizations fully committed to realizing the goals of the noosphere: Unity, collective action, peace, environmental regeneration, new communities, spiritual realization as social goals, etc

Some partners already joined are: The Club of Budapest and the WorldShift 2012, PlanetChange, The Noosphere Spiritual Ecological World Assembly (NSEWA), The EC 2012 (promotion  of and referendum for an Earth Council 2012),  ISRICA (Institute for the Scientific Research and Investigation of Cosmic Anthropoecology) “Tous Contre le Rechuaffement Climatique” (West Africa: “Everyone United Against the Global Warming and Climate Change”); The Mevlana Foundation Universal Brotherhood for World Peace; Chronoya, Institute for Time Science (Belgrade), The International Committee for the Banner of Peace, etc.

The point of the Alliance for the Noosphere is to gather as great a number of groups and organizations under the same banner as possible and to communicate through this Alliance the collective unity of the consciousness of the noosphere prior to the WorldShift 2012 (Harmonic Convergence of 2012), so that a critical mass of humanity may be awakened to the task of universal unification and the submission of the individual mind to the greater mind of the Earth …

7. Further it is declared that Cosmic Moon 26, 13 Sun, kin 260 (July 22) be declared a day of celebration of the Noosphere, including ceremonies for the purification and regeneration of the Earth. On this day will occur a full solar eclipse … and of course it is the final day of a 260-day galactic spin … and a new moon…

The ceremony could include discussions and meditations as described above, gatherings in circles, outside if possible  … vows of uniting as one mind with the mind of the earth, of expanding the knowledge and manifestation of the noosphere… Utilize whatever creatively arises that is in accord with the rainbow diversity of all of life on Earth as long as it is in peace and harms no other beings …Drumming and singing circles with chants for the Earth, displays of the Banner of Peace, Earth flags, rainbow flags , etc…

8. People gathered should keep in mind that this is a Ceremony for the Noosphere, and that it represents the coming of the new consciousness and should respect what that means: Respect, tolerance, patience, withholding criticism and judgment and arguments, thinking always of what will make others happy before thinking of what will make you happy … group mind and collective consciousness born out of a willingness to serve and evoke unconditional love …

9. Last but not least you might consider: What does it mean to realize the Earth as a work of art? The entire Congress and/or Ceremony for the Noosphere should be designed with this in mind…

These are just some basic guidelines, suggestions and recommendations… you may improvise…

NOTE: Three days following the Ceremony for the Noosphere will be the annual Day Out of Time Planetary Peace through Culture Festivals (July 25) … Blue Electric Night …if you have participated in a ceremony for the noosphere, you might wish to join a Day Out of Time celebration, and carry over some of these themes and meditations … Perhaps organize a noosphere “teach-in” with different presenters speaking on the nature of the noosphere and the Alliance for the Noosphere along with the themes of time is art and realizing Earth as a work of are, etc.…


For the Noosphere

Jose Arguelles-Valum Votan